Social Media Automation

In the past couple of days, I started to feed my blog posts into Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn via Whatever I write on here will appear in those social networks within half an hour. I am taking this approach to take control of my own content. I still want to have a presence on social media, but this blog will be the main source. Everything will start from here.

The second reason is to be less active on Facebook and Twitter. Of course I could easily turn them off, but I don’t want to be totally disconnected. I have turned off all my notifications on my phone, but I still have the apps. I will uninstalled them if I keep on checking them. I would be lying if I say that I don’t find the likes, the mentions, and the retweets to be gratifying.

With that said, I want to refocus on my priorities. I am still using RSS feed for keeping up with web design news. I still love reading personal blogs even though only a few people continue to write. I don’t engagement in comments anymore, but I still interact on Twitter and Facebook. With the new automation, I would like to move away from them as well. So if you don’t hear my response on Facebook or Twitter, please understand that I am not ignoring you. I just need to really cut back on my interactions.

Thank you for reading no matter what platform you use.
