Mo’ Money Mo’ Pundits

A gift of $30 million dollars comes with more pundits. The acronyms were unfortunate even though they were unintended.

Yes, the jokes were on us and they had spread like wildfire on social media. The school has rearranged the words around a bit to avoid the awkward acronyms, but social media still hasn’t let it go. The tasteless jokes have detracted the attention away from the real issue, which is the Justice himself and what he stood for.

Love it or hate it, the humor has grabbed tons of attention from the media and they all reporting on the jokes rather than the issues. I don’t know if I should be proud or embarrassed to see my design featuring on so many media websites. Here are just a few:

When I first informed about the name change, which was only a few days before the official announcement, I was shocked, but I had to do my job. I was tasked to tweak the logo, create the new banners, and prepared the changes on the site. The jokes on the acronyms are so prominent that they have no room for the design. I am glad.
