Sensational Sennheiser

Up till now, I have always used the Apple EarPods. It’s small and convenient. The sound is decent. The problem is that I keep losing them or leaving them in my pants’ pockets and they ended up in the washer and dryer. I go through at least 4 sets a year. For Christmas, I asked for a pair of Beats, but my wife got me a Sennheiser Urbanite XL instead.

When I first received it, I was not fond of the price tag. She convinced me to give it a try. I have to admit; it sounds pretty damn amazing. I could hear the vibration of the thumping bass on a hip-hop track and the crispness of the brushwork on the drums on a jazz ballad. It sure makes the listening experience much more pleasurable.

I am still adjusting to the bulkiness of the headphone since I am so used to the convenient of the EarPods. When I took a walk in the cold to get lunch, however, the headphone not only provides me top-notch sound, but also protects my ears from the chilly wind. I am keeping it. Thank you, wonderful wife.
