One Little Ninjago Bumped His Head
On Monday the three of us played some Ninjago on bed. I was the monster and the kids were the Ninjago. Unfortunately Ninjago Dan dived straight into the bead maze table. Even though the edge of the table was rounded off, he still had a minor cut on his forehead with a lime-size swollen. I held him tight with a remorse. I asked him if he wanted an ice pack. He said yes and held the ice pack to his forehead all by himself. The swollen subsided about half an hour later and he wanted to play again.
Yesterday as we were watching the World Cup, he asked for the ice pack again. I gave it to him again and he held it for five minutes and handed back to me. He said, “Daddy, your turn.” I replied, “No, thank you. I don’t have a boobo.” He came up to me, punched me on my face lightly, and said, “Now you have a boobo.” I told my wife, “I think our Dan is going to be a doctor. He’ll knock you out then give you a treatment.”