Postcasts I am Enjoying

Here are a few recent podcasts I added to my iPhone:

Let’s Make Mistakes

I love the chemistry between Mike Monteiro’s dry humor and Jessie Char’s whimsical charm. I do hope they talk about design more. I completely agree with Mike on The New York Times’s snow effect. The article was stunning, but I never get to read it.


This is a fairly new podcast on web typography. Dennis Gaebel and Zachary Kain still need some time to polish their chops, but the content is promising.

Real Time with Bill Maher

I am a long fan of Bill Maher, but I don’t have HBO; therefore, the podcast is a great alternative.

Song Travels with Michael Fienstein

I only caught a few episodes of this podcast and planning to go back to the archive for some artists I recognize. Unfortunately, the podcast only contains 15 minutes. Each episode is an hour long on NPR web site.
