Busy Schedule Ahead

My new class was supposed to start today, but the inclement weather canceled it. The winter break went by so quick. I am excited about the classes, but also not looking forward to the late-night works. It’s going to be a busy schedule ahead.

During the winter break, I tried to squeeze in a freelance project, but didn’t happen. Met with the client/designer to go over the project before New Year. He was to send me mockups a week after that, but I still not received anything yet. I sent out reminders, but they didn’t help. I might have to cancel the project if nothing happens. I haven’t started working on the site yet. I also got out of a project after eight months on stall. I put a lot of work into it, but the client was not moving. After a few reminders and the latest one with no reply, I knew her heart was not in it.

With school, I need to clean up my calendar anyway, but I’ll be more picky if I will be taking on freelance gigs. The projects will have be worthwhile.
