Mom’s Progress

Mom is still not discharged from the hospital. Her pneumonia is under control, but she is still very weak. Her heartbeat has been irregular; therefore, they still want to monitor her to prevent her from getting a stroke. She’s still coughing quite a bit.

In term of mobility, she could move around a bit with my help or the nurse’s assistance. They are planning on transferring her to a physical rehab facility to work on her strength once she’s discharged from the hospital. The nurses here have been very nice. Some go the extra miles than others.

The technicians come around the clock to draw her blood, take her temperature and pressure and give her respiratory. It’s a bit calmer today. She is just mostly resting. To pass time, I am redesigning this site for 2014. It’s not a complete redesign, but I have been itching to give it some changes.

I am missing my girl and boys quite a bit. Can’t wait to see them soon. Poor Dana having to take care both of them all by herself. Dan is getting quite wild. Last Monday, he broke Eric’s treasures. He destroyed some of the legos Eric had spent so much time to build. When Eric saw what happened, he broke down and cried. I know how much he loves and guards his works and I felt so horrible. As promised to get him to calm down, I took him out last night to buy new set and he picked out one that cost $105. Ouch!
