Back From A Short Break

Last Thursday, five adults and three kids left two single houses, drove three hours to stay a two small condos for a few days. We dragged massive food along as well. All we did was watching the kids, eating and sleeping. It was still exhausted. Cu Dan had so much energy. He ran around all the time. We also avoided going out to eat because he would throw food all over the place. He can’t sit still for five minutes. With Cu Dao, we just gave him the iPod and he would sit still until we were done. Cu Dan isn’t into anything and he got bored so quickly. As a result, he would started to get real fussy. His voice is strong and extremely irritating. Nevertheless, we had a nice break.

After we got home yesterday, I immediately got back to work until two in the morning polishing up a client’s site. I am hoping to launch soon. Woke up three hours later and the ground was filled with snow. I snuck back in for a bit, but little Dan didn’t let me. He drank milk, peed and pooped. At that point I just woke up to shovel the snow. Our neighbor got home from her night shift and she shoveled her driveway as well. I am very envy of her husband. This lady does everything around the house. She shovels the snow in the winter and cuts grass in the summer. Last summer she even did paved the driveway herself. I hardly see the husband and their teenage daughter. I see her all the time working around the house. Whenever I see him, I just wanted to say, “Man, you’re one lucky basterd.”
