How I Use Social Media

My use of social media has changed unconsciously over the year. In the beginning, I tried to connect all my networks together. My blog RSS feed would go to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. My tweets would feed into Facebook and LinkedIn.

These days, I separated out my networks. I use Twitter mainly for web-related topics and keeping up with the industry. Facebook is mostly to connect with friends and family. I am not using LinkedIn as much as I used to. I hardly use Pinterest and gave up on Google+.

I used Google Reader quite a bit to keep up with my favorite blogs, but now that Google shut it down I am going back to Feedly. I love Feedly interface design, but somehow the functionality always confuses me, especially the “today” tab.

Out of all the social media activities, blogging and reading blogs remain my favorite. I like the personal space when I blog and I like reading blogs in which the authors put more time and effort into writing them.
