Personal Design Work Presentation

My current title at George Mason School of Law is web services developer. I am responsible for server administration and web design and development. I redesigned the main Law web site and made it responsive.

Outside of my fulltime work, I offers full web services including visual design (brand and layout), front-end development (HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript) and content management system customization (WordPress and MODX). My recent projects include Black Bag, Poplar Springs and GWbusiness.

As for personal work, Visualgui is my design playground as well as writing archive. Simplexpression is an online jewelry store I work together with my wife. She makes all the art piece. I am just in charged of the web site. Even though I don’t work with Flash anymore, an archive of my slideshows are still available for prosperity. Another personal project of mine is Sketches of Miles. The site was created when I needed a project to learn CSS3 web typography. Each page has its own art direction. Eventually I want to build this site further for my final project for the completion of my MA in Graphic Design.

Speaking of graduate school work, I made a landing page for Real World Design, a collaborative project with my graduate classmates in my last seminar class. I also created a few printed materials for my Advanced Typography class. Checkout the graphic section for details.

That’s just a quick presentation of my work for my seminar class.