Black Bag Relaunched

Right before Christmas break, I received a referral from Jennifer Karin, who is one of my favorite clients, to work on a project for her husband. Dr. Chris Sidford who owns Black Bag, a private emergency medical consultancy, needed a completely revamp of his web site. He would like the new site to be attractive, responsive, optimized for search engines and manageable through WordPress. (I have a feeling that Jen came up with the requirements herself.)

I was planning on taking my Christmas break and not doing any work because I was burnt out from grad school, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity. Dr. Sidford turns out to be a fantastic guy to work with just like his wife. I have the complete freedom to redesign the web site based on existing contents. The logo is the only visual element that I need to keep. Since the logo was set in Baskerville, I started with that typeface to set the tone for the body text. I found a nice, legible version of Libre Baskerville on Google web fonts to be used for the main copy and complemented with Open Sans Condensed for the headlines. They turned out to be a perfect match. For color, I used the red ribbon for links and standout elements.

As for the homepage, I put myself in the user’s perspective when I designed the layout. Since Black Bag is about emergency services, the first impression I would want to convey is trust. Can I trust this service? Nothing could get that message across better than the face of the people behind the agency. The nice, friendly photo of Dr. Sidford assures me that I can trust this guy when I am in an emergency situation; therefore, I used it as the main attraction.

Per the client’s request, WordPress is implemented for managing contents and the design is responsive to be displayed on various digital devices. For the first time I didn’t have to convinced my client that responsive is the approach to take. That’s one of the reasons I enjoy working with return and referral clients.

So go check out Black Bag. You might be interested in this unique, personal, immediate physician access, especially if you travel to foreign countries.
