“Beez In The Trap”

After picking Dao up from daycare yesterday, he asked me his usual question, “Daddy, do you have something special for me?” I responded, “Con noi cai gi (What do you say)?” He switched to Vietnamese, “Dao muon keo (Dao wants candy).” I responded back to him “Daddy khong co keo (I don’t have candy).” He went on, “We go to the store and buy candy.” I said, “But I don’t have many money.” He said, “Yes you do have money in your pocket.”

Then I tried to distract him with some music while we were in the car. Nicki Minaj was playing on my iPhone. The beat was pumping so I let him listened. Not for long, I had to turn it off because she started cussing. Then he requested, “Daddy, I want to hear ‘Beez In The Trap.'” I was a bit surprise because that song was not even playing at the time and if I remember correctly, I did let him listen to the album just for a bit about a month or so ago, but somehow he could remember, “Beez In the Trap” is in the same album. So I let him hear it and the songs starts like this, “Bitches ain’t shit and they ain’t say nothing / A hundred motherfuckers can’t tell me nothing / I beez in the trap, bee beez in the trap / I beez in the trap, bee beez in the trap.” He sang along the latter two bars. I wondered if he already picked up the first two bars too, but didn’t understand what the words are. I was cracking up listening to him singing along with Nicki Minaj.
