Crafting Banners

Even though the George Mason Law web site relaunched more than two weeks ago, the work is still not done. I have been doing tons of tweaking behind the scene including cleaning up templates, CSS and contents that added by others. Editors like TinyMCE are quite evil for people who don’t write markups. Sometimes I just have to let it go and not too bothered with it.

The major work I have been doing is recreating all the banners on the secondary pages. For example, the top banner is now running across the page instead of splitting with the side navigation. So I spent most of my time looking for photos and recropping and recreating the banners. It’s actually a pretty fun, creative exercise. Now that I think about it, all the jobs that I held involved crafting banners. I did a whole bunch when I was at Vassar College. Then I crafted a collection for random rotation when the School of Business rebranded into the University look and feel. Here I am again, pumping out banners after banners. One of my colleagues also helped me out and she likes doing it as well.

Of course I also try to make something fresh for this homepage at least once a week. I like to use this space to not only promoting just my work, but also other things that I find interesting to keep you stay tuned.
