Enter the Year of the Dragon

After getting Dao to sleep around 10pm last night, I logged in to work on the new Mason Law School site cleaning up a dozen of pages inside MODx. Took a break at midnight to ring in the new year and then went back to work until 2am. I was so tired that I emailed my supervisor to stay home today. I also wanted to celebrate Lunar New Year with my family.

With the cold weather and the icy road, I haven’t stepped out of the house since Friday night. I stayed in and hung out with the boys. The little guy is now having a double chin. I just love holding him and watching him sleep in my arms. He is just so sweet.

To make the older guy not feeling left out, I engaged in some activities with him around the house like playing with trains, puzzles and any toys we could pull out from the basement. Yesterday I went outside trying to break the ice on the driveway. I asked him if he wanted to help me and he said, “no, you go and clean the snow. Go daddy go!” Dao says a lot of things now that I am sure we haven’t taught him yet. He uses phrases like, “Don’t talk to me,” “Don’t touch me” and “go away.” His answer to everything now is “No, thank you.” Do you want to eat? “No, thank you.” Do you want to take a bath? “No, thank you.” Do you want to brush your teeth? “No, thank you.” I feel like just let him dirty and hungry for days and see how he would react.

Dao is an adorable little kid when he decided to. I am sure most two year-olds are like that. I any rate, I am glad to have the couple of days spending with the kids. Happy Lunar New Year to you all. Yes, all three of you, my readers.
