Coming to Mason Law

I have accepted the position of web services developer at George Mason University School of Law. I will be responsible for its external and internal web sites. My roles will include front-end design, backend development and server administration. The position will be a new challenge and I am ready for it because I will gain so much experience in the backend world.

My first goal once I start working is to give the external site a fresh new look with HTML5 and CSS3. My interview was a couple days after the Boston Globe relaunched its new, responsive design. As a result, I focused my presentation on responsive web design, which is my latest passion and the direction I am heading, and provided some of my own responsive design I have done. I would love to be able to apply responsive approach to the Law school web site.

I am very excited about the new opportunity, but what attracted me to the Law school is the people. I only get to meet about a dozen of them, but everyone seems to be professional, very nice and friendly. My future supervisor who I have the pleasure of working with on freelance projects for about two years is the type of boss that encourages her staff to push themselves. When your supervisor has more confidant in you than you have in yourself then that’s the one that you should work for. She’s also a very caring person. I am looking forward to joining the staff at the Law school.
