What a Wonderful Morning

I dropped Dao off today and he walked with me from the parking lot to the building instead of nagging to be carried in. He looked at the flowers and said hi to people who walked by. For the first time, since he made the transition to the new class, Dao didn’t cry when we walked in. One of his teachers asked him to come sit down. Not only he came toward her, but he also blew me a kiss. All three teachers were like, “wow.” It’s must be the new Dao. Just yesterday he didn’t even want to go into the room when I opened the door for him. I held him in and tried to play with him a bit, but nothing worked. He just held on to me tight. Eventually I had to let him go and one of the teachers had to hold him. As I walked away, I could still hear him screamed. Today is a brand new day and I hope he’ll continued to be this way.
