Goodbye Fred

Another colleague of mine had passed away. I didn’t realize that I hadn’t talk to him for weeks. Ever since we launched the new design, I basically lock myself in my office and focus on migrating the all contents to the new design. The news stopped me cold. The last time we were on the phone Fred asked me to help him set up some Macs for some faculty members. I agreed.

Fred was an IT for the School of Business, but he is a PC guy. Although I am not an expert, Fred was my go-to guy regarding to Mac. In return, Fred always responded to my requests as quickly as he could. In the School of Business, Fred was the PC and I am the Mac. On a more personally level, Fred was a jazz aficionado and like me Fred was also a Miles’s fan. I just found out that from another colleague that Fred had gone “In a Silent Way” a few weeks ago. Rest in peace, my man.

In just six months I had lost three people I had the pleasure working with. Witnessing the people around you just leave makes me think about life and death. It could just happen to anyone. It’s a sad reality, but it teaches me to not to worry too much about death. When it is time for me to go. I’ll go. While I am still here I want to make the best of it for the people around me, especially my lil Duke. He gives me the reason to live.
