Duke’s Progression

I am pleased to announce that Cu Dao had slept through the night for the past couple of weeks. The little guy put in ten hours straight without waking up. After more than a year of sleeping interruption, it sure feels like heaven again. He also has a very good appetite and willing to try anything we give him even though he doesn’t pay attention to food. As long as we have something for him to focus on (a remote control, the iPod Touch, or some sort of electric device), he is willing to eat until he gets bored of that object.

Although he hasn’t talk yet, he knows exactly what he wants by pointing to it. He won’t stop pointing until we get him the right one. He is also very alert. He knows exactly where things are. Whenever he goes into grandma’s room, he would go straight to her jewelry box, take out all the pieces, flip the box upside down, dial the winding button, flip it back, pop up the top so he could hear the music. Duke dances to the beat every time he hears a club beat song. He bounces every time Thanh Thao’s “Lien Khuc Nguoi Yeu Cua Toi” comes on. Every time he goes into the car. He has to do his dance before he let me sit him down and buckle him up.

Duke is no doubt a very hard-headed kid. He screams every time I brush his teeth. Even though he knows that he would not get away with it, he still doesn’t cooperate. Every morning and night, I have to hold him tight to brush him. He bites my figure so many times I am getting used to the pain. The same goes with daycare, he cries every morning when I drop him off. Monday morning, he started as soon as we walked into the room. Tuesday morning, he began as soon as we took the elevator to the room. Today, he began as soon as I got him out of the car. Tomorrow, he’ll probably cry on the way to daycare. Can’t blame him though because he only attended daycare every other week. I can’t wait until the day that Duke just waves goodbye daddy when I drop him off. I am sure that day will come.

Still I can’t be any prouder. Here’s Duke at 13 months. And here is Cu Dao rocking in his car seat, per mommy’s request.
