Asia 63 – Ngay Tan Hon

Asia latest release was politic free? That was so unreal, but when the production left out two propaganda papas (Nam Loc and Viet Dzung), it did happen. With just two sexy (and pretty silly half of the time) MCs, Thuy Duong and Bao Chau, holding down the floor, Ngay Tan Hon (The Wedding Day) was entertaining.

It was about time Asia came up with a creative concept by combing wedding fashion with music, but let’s hope that we won’t see too many sequels like Mua He Ruc Ro, Da Vu Quoc Te and Bon Mua. One wedding show was enough already. And unlike most of Asia previous releases, Asia 63 was filmed in a studio and not a concert hall.

One of the standout video was Nguyen Khang’s jazzy version of Pham Dinh Chuong’s “Mong Duoi Hoa.” The black and white film gave the performance a classic vibe and Nguyen Khang carried the tune with calmness and confidence. Ho Hoang Yen delivered a sexy rendition of Hoang Nguyen’s “Bai Tango Rieng Cho Em.” She didn’t need to reveal all that cleavage, but it didn’t hurt. Y Phuong did a fine job of covering Hoang Thi Tho’s “Ta Tinh” with her soaring alto.

On the flip side, the duet between Philip Huy and Thuy Huong was kind of yucky, as if a father and a daughter telling each “love me with all of your heart.” Another horrendous pair was Trish and Mai Thanh Son. Their vocals were just awful. Doanh Doanh was doing her Chinese tune as usual and Doan Phi was dancing like he had a bee in his pants. The rest of the show were passable, but the fashion design would prevent viewers from pressing the fast-forward button.
