Dr. Seuss

I have not read a single book by Dr. Seuss. In fact, the only time I heard of Dr. Seuss was at Vassar’s 2004 commencement Address by Samuel L. Jackson. At the end of his speech, Jackson read a passage from Oh, the Places You’ll Go! and I thought it was witty and appropriate. A couple of weeks ago, I told Dana that we should get a few Dr. Seuss books for Cu Dao.

I was working from home last Friday and the mailman delivered a big box. I opened the door and he dropped the box right on my lap and I almost staggered because I didn’t expect a heavy box. I opened it up and there were 50 books by Dr. Suess. I called up Dana and she told me she bid them on eBay. I guess we will be reading a lot of Dr. Seuss books to Cu Dao. Can’t wait!
