Duong Quoc Hung – Chot Nho

Nowadays many young singers cover classic ballads, yet hardly any of them could give new life to the old songs. They either sound mad lazy or extremely uninspired. So far, Duong Quoc Hung is the exception. On his debut Chot Nho, Duong Quoc Hung actually sounds passionate as he breathes fresh air into the timeless tunes with the help of Nhat Trung.

Ngo Thuy Mien’s “Ban Tinh Cuoi” has been sung as a duet countless of times before, but Duong Quoc Hung and Phuong Trinh managed to make it their own. Phuong Trinh’s slightly husky, sultry vocals is a perfect match to Duong Quoc Hung’s soulful voice. They have done a superb job of supporting each other. I can’t ask for more. On Truong Sa’s “Xin Con Goi Ten Nhau,” Duong Quoc Hung maneuvers his flow effortlessly around Nhat Trung’s straight-forward, intoxicating bossa nova groove. “Mot Mai Em Di,” also by Truong Sa, gets a surprisingly pleasurable tango flavor. His version of Dien An’s “Vet Thuong Cuoi Cung” is refreshingly fervent and his rendition of Lam Phuong’s “Phut Cuoi” is so damn mesmerizing without having to belting out like diva Bang Kieu. Trinh Cong Son’s “Ru Em Tung Ngon Xuan Nong” would have been fantastic without Nhat Trung. I just want to bitch slap the dude for singing like a spineless bitch like, “ru maaai ngaan naaam.” He should have just stayed behind the board and not in the booth.

On the two newer tracks, Nhat Trung’s “Chot Nho” and Le Quang’s “Loi Tu Biet Tinh Yeu,” Duong Quoc Hung’s poignant delivery came through. He seems to make very wise choice in his song selections. Every tune was successful executed and each one displayed his range. This debut shows tremendous potential. Let’s hope he won’t fuck up.
