Bien Nho

“No escape would be complete without the strength of seeking freedom by boat people. No words could describe how terrifying boat people suffered on that unforgettable escape.” –

Words indeed could not describe the boat people’s experience and I have no intention of telling their stories. “Bien Nho” is a personal dedication to my eldest sister. If it wasn’t for my sister who risked her life, I wouldn’t be living in this country right now. This is just to show her my appreciation.

Although the concept came to me a couple days ago, “Bien Nho”— a tune written by Trinh Cong Son and performed by Khanh Ly—has been on mind for a while. I wanted to do something beyond the romantic relationship of the song and this is it: the relationship between Viet Nam and its people.

“Bien Nho” is not a political statement, but rather a reflection of a journey that would stay forever with those who had been through it. My sister is one of those millions who have made it through all the hardships and the sufferings. This is for her and all the boat people.
