Daddy and Duke Go Bald

Because Cu Dao’s hair isn’t growing evenly, I have been itching to shave his head. In the past, I shaved both Samantha and Eric, but I couldn’t do it to Cu Dao yesterday. My hands were shaky so I let Dana do it. I also made a promise if we were to shave his head, I would shave mine as well. So I lived up to my words. Obviously, Cu Dao looks so much cuter than his daddy.

Cu Dao has been sleeping through the night for more than a week. We put him to bed around 10 and he doesn’t get up until 5:00. That’s the great part. The not-so-great part is that he doesn’t like feeding through the bottle. It took him an hour and a half yesterday for me to feed him 3 oz.

It has been quite a busy week for Cu Dao. Last Thursday we drove 4.5 hours to New Jersey for my brother-in-law wedding. We had fun seeing the family again. Thanks to Thu Hoai and the Magic Night for kept us on the dance floor. I also took some great photos for the newly wedded couple as I was trying to hone my photography skill. My family (mom, sister, Sammy and Eric) also joined us at the reception. Then we all drove back to Virginia on Sunday. My folks hang out with me around the area while Dana at work for the past three days. Got a speeding ticket right in D.C. These damn cops.

Dana, Duke and I will be joining my in-laws in Wildwood for the weekend. I am looking forward to relax and to win some money at the Casinos. I still have one more week to spend with Cu Dao before returning to work.

He is up now. I better take him out for a stroll. Enjoy your Friday. Peace out!
