Duong Thu is Mad as Hell

I have tremendous respect for Duong Thu. Through his lyrical virtuosity and his appreciation for nature, I imagined that he is one calm, humble individual. After reading his article, “8 mẩu suy nghĩ về giới trẻ và Élite trẻ,” however, I get a different vibe about the man. He is mad pissed off at the younger generation and criticizing heavily their attitude, lifestyle, music taste and even rhetoric.

Although I don’t disagree with his view on the use of English into the Vietnamese language (like replacing “anh yêu em” with “I love you” in writing), I find it rather amusing that he does it himself. What the heck is “Élite trẻ?” Can’t he find a Vietnamese term for Élite? Duong Thu shows his age. He just sounds like a grumpy, bitter, angry old man.
