“Ao Dai Trang A Oi” (Review)

A review of my motion piece, “Ao Dai Trang A Oi,” posted back in 2006:

and we also can’t forget Donny Truong – the designer of this clip. As the digital art day by day becomes better and better, making a video clip does not necessarily requires a cine-camera, a script and actors. All it needs are ARTISTRY and CREATIVITY!!!…

futhermore, a pride of my little Vietnam, of the Ao dai, especially Ao-dai-trang (to me, the white one is always the most beautiful one)!!! Yeah… my Vietnam is like this song: pure, feminine, romantic, sweet and moreover, simple (the lyrics repeats itself many times and the song last no more than 1 minute and 40 seconds)!!!!!!!!!! Its simplicity is its beauty!!! And I love that innocent beauty!

Thanks Huong for the motivating thoughts.
