Baby Play

Duke is a little active fellow and he doesn’t like repetition. I do the same thing twice and he begins to cry. As a first time parent, I was having a hard time coming up with new activities to play with him until my cousin gave me Baby Play for Duke’s full-month celebration.

With 100 easy-to-do techniques, concise explanations and photographic demonstrations, I turn to Baby Play again and again to keep Duke stimulate. He loves cycling when I change him. I could feel the excitement when I give him a little massage after he takes a bath. When he cries, an airplane swinging with jazz would calm him down. He looks so darn cute with his little arms hugging around the roll-up towel on his tummy as I rock him from side to side. He even tries to pull his head up.

Since the book is divided into age range (from zero up to 12 months), I only got through the newborn section. I’ll get there when Duke get there. In addition to the doctor seal of approval, what makes Baby Play worthwhile is that I don’t have to have fancy toys to do these fun activities with Duke.
