
I don’t like waiting. No wait, I hate waiting and that is what I do everyday. I wait for the bus in the morning and it always late. The bus drops me off the Metro and I wait again. The good thing is that the Metro has a ticker that tells you how many more minutes a train will arrive. It’s a brilliant concept. I get off the train and then wait again for the next train.

I get to work and I wait everyday for people to provide me their contents. Without the contents the site is just a piece of eye candy. I move on the next project and wait for more contents. So now I am working on three sites simultaneously with missing contents. Isn’t that fun?

I go home. I wait for the Metro and the bus again. Not only that I wait for my wife to come out of her work so we can ride the bus home together. Yesterday I snapped because of all the waiting that builds up day after day. Well, I didn’t snapped. I was just being grumpy. Everyday seemed like a waiting day for me. I took my crankiness out on her. We got into a little heated argument on waiting, but we made up afterward. Still love her to death.

I suppose I need some waiting management. I can’t seem to distract myself from waiting. I more I look at the clock, the more impatient I get. A minute becomes an hour. An hour seems like infinity. Let’s just say that waiting sucks.
