The Wedding Album

We are in the process of creating 100 CDs to hand out to our guests on our wedding day as a little gift from us. We spent about seven hours last night testing, printing, cutting, and folding the cover I have designed. I am not a graphic designer and have never produced an album packaging before; therefore, the project is taking tremendous amount of time even though I kept the design very simple. I was a somewhat frustrated, but having her by my side made everything seemed right. She had singled-handedly sliced every cover that was printed. All I did was folded the pieces in half.

We came up with the concept while listening to Thuy Vu’s rendition of Ngo Thuy Mien’s “Niem Khuc Cuoi” as we were driving home one night from the city. We tossed out a bunch of titles we have experienced together since the time we first met. We narrowed down the compilation to seven tracks. Each one reflects the moment we shared. I wrote the sleeve notes and translated the lyrics, but my English translation sounded awkward so I turned to my big brother Trong for help. He had done quite a wonderful job with the help of his poetic daughter. Thank you both very much.

Now that most of the challenging part is done, the album is coming along. We still need to print the back cover and the CD artwork. I am quite excited to see the final product. Thanks baby for being with me throughout the process. You are quite a perfectionist.
