Don Ho and Diem Lien

Way before Nguyen Khang came along and scooped up songbird Diem Lien, Don Ho was her ideal match. Actually, Don Ho has always been a fantastic complement to his female singers since he is always capable of bringing the best out of them. His sensational duet with Diem Lien on Ngo Thuy Mien’s “Ban Tinh Cuoi” demonstrated their mutual companionship. By supporting one another, they blew fresh air into the standard. Instead of letting the male voice takes on the bridge, they meet each other half way. She sets up, “Ngay nao nguoi cho ta biet…,” he picks up, “Tinh la dang… cay…,” and brings it up all the way until the beat takes over. Mad props go to Thanh Lam for the intoxicating arrangement. Too bad, their joined album, Vinh Biet Mua He, only featured one duet. The other highlight of the album is the melancholy “Tinh Khuc Buon,” which is also a Ngo Thuy Mien’s song and produced by Thanh Lam. Don Ho’s cottony, sultry and whispery delivery is simply irresistible. Someone ought to upload the MTV clip of “Tinh Khuc Buon” on YouTube. The video was really well captured.
