For You, Baby!

Quang Ly’s “Nu Hon Goi Gio” gets me everytime. I have linked to the tune before, but still loving the poetry lyrics from Hien Vy:

Moi em mong do la do nhu mo
Cho anh nho gio hon vao la vao moi em
Hon em anh mong tinh nong
Nho con gio thoang hon vao toc em.

Mad props to Hoang Viet Khanh for turning this gorgeous poem into a wonderful song.

I must admit that I have been listening to Quang Dung’s new version of Dieu Huong’s “Vi Do La Em” more than my main man Tuan Ngoc. The little intro he does in the begining accompained by the romantical piano is just irresistible. Quang Dung has followed the pop rule. If he could get the girls to come, the boys will follow. Damn you, pimp!

De roi tu do ta yeu em khong ngai ngan
De roi tu do trong buoc chan nghe gan hon
Mot ngay lai den trai tim ta dai cuong
Roi tung chieu len mang noi buon vo bien
