Son of a Devil

DMX was one wicked demon with an unbaptized mouth. After a brief intro, he opened his second album, Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood, with, “I got blood on my hands and there’s no remorse / and got blood on my dick cause I fucked a corpse.” That was my dawg X: hardcore, ruthless, and raw. The first time I encountered Dark Man X through “Get At Me Dog,” he struck me like a bullet zipping by my brain. His voice was murky; his flow was rough; and his bark was vicious. In his debut, It’s Dark and Hell is Hot, X moved from the street into the bedroom into the church without feeling awkward. The beats were harsh; his deliveries were harsher. Too bad, X lost his swag after the second album. With three consecutive flops and three years later, X is now in studio preping up his come back. We’ll find out if 2006 is the Year of the Dog, Again.
