Thanh Thuy CDs

While waiting for the ladies (mom, aunts and sisters) to do their things (shopping at the jewlery store). I checked out the local Vietnamese music store in Austin, Texas. To my surprise, I found a nice collection of Thanh Thuy’s albums. I copped volume 16, 17, 22, 26, and 27 released under her own Thanh Thuy Productions. In addition, I came across her rendition of Dang The Phong’s “Giot Mua Thu” in vol. 17 Quen Nguoi Tinh Cu. Y Van’s “Long Me” is also featured in the same album, and she her performance is heartrending. Although her voice has not changed much, I prefer the musical arrangements that were produced prior to 1975. The electric sounds on the latter albums aren’t as compelling as the earlier recordings in which real instruments were used. Those trumpet/sax breaks still take my breath away, and I don’t get them on her later records.
