Assorted List

Music: a bluesy “Nghien” music by Pham Anh Dung, poem by Tho Tho, arrange by Quang Dat and perform by Quynh Lan.

Thy Vi interviews Jazzy Da Lam on RFA (Radio Free Asia) in Vietnamese. The best part is when Jazzy demonstrates how she incorporates the harmony of “Da Co Hoai Lan” into her own “Vong Dem.”

Nguyen Khang gets the polygamous rumor off his chest on VOA (Voice of America) in Vietnamese, produced by Truong Ky. Although his response comes off inappropriate, I understand how he feels when people accused him of having five wives and six kids.

Flash Sites: True to its brand, Fluid Web site navigation is fluidly attractive. One of the best use of Flash menus since Joshua Davis’s PS3. The only thing that turns me off is the use of frames.

Wash-Design‘s minimal approach is not too striking until you hit the “Studio” section.

Vietnamese Hotties: Merina Tram Vo (damn… is all I can say)

Thuy Le Hong Phan (sweet and elegance, the type moms and pops would approve)

Barbara Nguyen (the one that passed the mic on the question “What are the three advantages and disadvantages of being a Vietnamese-American woman?” during the Second Annual Miss Vietnam Usa 2005 contest.)

Read: In his critical column, “Deceptively Conceptual,” on Ned Drew and Paul Sternberger’s By Its Cover: Modern American Book Cover Design, John Updike concludes, “You can, possibly, tell a book by its cover, but the cover isn’t the contents. ”

Cameron Moll‘s article, “Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign,” elaborates on my earlier post about refining
