Jazzy & You

Words get out fast on the Internet. I am delighted that Jazzy accepts my criticisms as well as my praises on her debut. An artist like her is the future of our music. Keep on generating original works, girl. We’re rooting for you.

Visualgui readers, your encouraging words have motivated me to see a specialist regarding to my nosebleed problem. The doc slipped a tube up my nostrils to examine them. I felt a bit discomforting, but no sign of tumors or anything is serious as far as he can see; therefore, he cauterized my vessels. The process burned like hell and caused a few tears in my eyes. Can’t remember when was the last time I cried. I have also dropped the Henessy and picked up the water for my walking. The experience is not the same, but I am still enjoying my strolls with jazz on my earphones. Currently drooling over Art Blakey’s and Max Roach’s delicious drum solos. If I have a chance, I would love to take drumming lessons. Playing the drum has always been my dream. Thank you all, once again.
