To The Greatest Woman in My Life

I would like to borrow Nguyễn Nhất Huy’s “Tình Mẹ” (Mother’s Love) to show you my appreciation.

“Mẹ đã có phút dấu nước mắt cho con thơ ngây nụ cười. Mẹ đã có những lúc thức trắng cho con bao đêm ngủ say.” (There were moments you hid your tears to bring me laughter. There were times you stayed up all night just so I can have a good sleep.)

Happy Mother’s day! You deserve every moment of it. You mean the whole world to me and there is not a single second that I don’t think of you. You are my love, my life, my motivation, and my inspiration. You spend all your life focus on me. You worked hard everyday just so I can have a better life. You lay all your hopes and dreams on me. All my life, not only you never put your hands on me but also you would never let anyone else touch me. I remember one time you were arguing with dad because he puts his hands on me. Thank you for protecting me all through my life and I am deeply sorry for all the drama I put you through. I know I was not a good kid but you never gave up on me.

Thank you for brought me into this world and never stop loving me. You are the reason that I live and survive in this world. As a kid, I was always sick. Every year, I would spend at least a week in the hospital and you never left my side during those times. At one time, we both witnessed the girl my age passed away in the hospital right next to us. We could not control our emotions. She was just talking to us the day before. Similar to me, she was diagnosed with malaria but her parents brought her to the hospital too late. You would never let that happen to me. You knew exactly when it was time for me to check in the hospital even though we did not have a whole lot of money. Just thinking of all the sweet things you did for me, I cannot hold my tears. You are the greatest.

I pray everyday for your health and I am glad that you are taking great care of yourself. I can’t imagine living in this world without you. I will go insane. You have worked hard all your life, it’s time to relax and enjoy yourself. I can take care of myself now so please do not worried about me anymore. In your heart, I am still your little twelve years old kid even though you have given me plenty of wisdom to stand on my own two feet. I love you with all my heart and I just want you to know, you’re appreciated.
