eBay Auction – Vietnamese Women and Children

“Will ship to Taiwan only.” an eBay’s Taiwan ad bids on three Vietnamese women starting at approximately $5,410 USD. These Taiwanese treats my people as an item for auction on eBay. How disgraceful is that? After reading Vietnamese Outraged at Women Trafficked on Website, my blood boils in my brain and the only response from eBay was to pull the ad. That’s not enough. It’s time for us, the Vietnamese around the world, to unite to save our women and children. This is a shameful act toward the Vietnamese and we cannot let them off easily.

If you would like to learn more about these immoral acts, please visit “Xin Cuu Phu Nu va Tre Em Viet Nam Dang Bi Buon Ban (Please Save the Vietnamese Woman and Children From Being Sale)” and voice your opinions. Unfortunately, the site is only in Vietnamese.
