Paris By Night 71 – 20th Anniversary

Yet another big disappointment from the latest Paris By Night 71, they are way too proud of themselves. Always bragging about their “incredible show” yet eighty percent of the performances are tedious and listening to Nguyen Ngoc Ngan and Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen blabbing about nothing is simply tiresome. It’s amusing how they both stepping into each other’s line many times during the show. Thuy Nga claims to be the most innovative production in entertainment yet they still reuses old songs over and over again.

Performances worth watching. Luong Tung Quang’s “Tu Khi Em Den” featured the hot twin dancers. I am not a big fan of Bao Han but she gave an incredible dance performance with the dancers. The smooth integration between video and live performance in Don Ho’s “Bai Tinh Ca Cua Em” is quite a creative concept. The Matrix style from Henry Chuc and Tommy Ngo is nicely pulled off.

Nice songs to enjoy. Quang Le’s “Ke O Mien Xa” and Phi Nhung and Manh Quynh’s “Tan Co Hon Anh Gian Em.” Pay attention to Manh Quynh’s second verse. His voice is quite strong.

Highlights of the show. Thuy Nga’s big fake titties. Now I know where my money goes. They were bitching about how bootlegging DVDs hurt their business; therefore, they are unable to push their products further than what they have. Ironically, the owner of Paris By Night productions invested the viewers’ money on her boob not the show. Sike! I am just kidding. The second highlight of the show is the American guy who speaks Vietnamese. Frankly, his Vietnamese is way better than most of the young Vietnamese singers in the US. He picks up the dialect quite well. Such a smart guy. He even made up some funny Vietnamese poems. Have to give that white man some props.

Overall, Paris By Night 71 is not worth buying. I would not recommend it all. Don’t waste your money. The preview looks good but it is not.
