Another Classic

Just finished watching Rebecca, another classic disturbing drama from the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock. The woman housekeeper is so creepy and mysterious. It’s a great film. Anyhow, I began to appreciate classic movies after taking a course at Lasalle called Film as Art. The course focused on critical evaluations of the work of a diverse but representative group of outstanding films and filmmakers. It was one of my favorite class and Bill Wine (the professor) was excellent. In fact, I liked it so much that I went on to take another course called Critical Approaches to Film. The course traced the history of the medium of American film, analyzed it chronologically, as well as genre by genre, from its inception at the turn of the last century through its place in society as we begin a new century. This course was taught by Bro. Gerry and he was outstanding. Not only we had to analyzed the films but we had to acted out a scene from a movie in a small group. I played Gavin Elster (Tom Helmore) in Vertigo and Lyle (Dennis Hopper) in Red Rock West. It was nerve-racking because I had never done anything like that before. It turned out well at the end and I enjoyed it.

Sickest Lyrics

After listening to the first two lines of Ignition by R Kelly, I couldn’t take it anymore. The first line he said, “You remind me of something, I just can’t think of what it is.” You remind me of a child molester, that’s it. He went on, “Girl, please let me stick my key in your ignition, babe.” Hope he didn’t used this metaphor on a child. Sick bastard!

Hatred and Racism

Watched American History X last night, a powerful film that depicts hatred and racism. Edward Norton performance is outstanding throughout the film. The illest part is when he ordered the black kid to bite the concrete then he stepped on his head. That crushed sound gave me a chill. The truth about racism illustrated in this movie shocked me deeply.
