D3studio 2003

Yes, the new version is finally here. I wanted to redesigned this site so badly but didn’t know which direction to take. I was struggling whether to Flash or not to Flash. At first my intention was to Flash so I mocked up several different versions; however, I changed my mind at the end because most of the work I do at Vassar College is geared towards usability and accessibility. As a result, I wanted this site to reflect what I do; therefore, I ditched Flash and used css and xhtml. As the site turned out, I am glad that I took this route. Any ways, I would love to hear what you think.

New on the Vassar Web

  • Religion Department designed by Keisha
  • Information Technology designed by Kara
  • President designed by Kara
  • French Department designed by Donny
  • Powerhouse designed by Donny

My Tam

“Tinh yeu den em khong mong doi goi gi. Tinh yeu di em khong he hoi tiec.”

It means something like this: “Love comes around, I don’t wait for it. Love passes me by, I don’t regret it.”

Those two verses stuck in my head. My Tam sweet voice brings me back to the nice and warm Viet Nam everytime I listened to her music; even though, Poughkeepsie, New York is cold and lonely. She is currently my favorite singer along with Dam Vinh Hung and Ly Hai.
