Job Clarendon Text

For April, David Jonathan Ross sent out Job Clarendon Text to members of the Font of the Month Club. As much as I appreciated David’s wild display typefaces, I always loved when he sent us text faces. Job Clarendon started out as a display typeface for huge text such as posters and flyers, but now the text version pushes the slab serif family to a whole new level. Finding a slab serif text face is isn’t easy. Finding a slab serif text face with the full Vietnamese diacritics is just so rare. Of course, I have to feature it on the type recommendation section of Vietnamese Typography.

Neue DIN Wins iF Award

Big shout out to the team at Fontwerk for picking up the iF Design Award 2024 for Neue DIN. I contributed a small part in Neue DIN’s Vietnamese diacritics. I wish Neue DIN has an oblique companion so I can feature it in type recommendation section of Vietnamese Typography. Congratulations, nevertheless!

The Cascade Blog

Last week, Robin Rendle launched The Cascade, a member supported blog about the past, present, and future of CSS. I didn’t hesitate to become a member to support his work.

I have been following Robin’s writing for a while. I subscribed to his personal site and newsletters. Robin is a skillful writer. Even when he writes about typography and CSS, his style is always approachable. Furthermore, I always appreciated his honesty in life, design, and career.

I am glad that he started The Cascade so I can keep myself up to date with CSS features that I haven’t heard of yet. I have not followed the web industry since the rise of frameworks like React. I am still crafting my webpages by hands with semantic markups and CSS presentations. This approach is still accessible and fast.

Let’s Take It Back to the 80s

When I heard George Mason working on the rebranding a few years ago, I predicted it wouldn’t be good. Today the new logo was revealed and it’s shockingly bad.

The university claims to create a brand for the future, but the “GM” monogram appears to be stuck in the 80s. The use of green and gold colors on the outlined typeface makes the monogram appear more amateurish than prestigious and more athletic than academic.

The connection between “G” and “M” doesn’t feel natural. The two letters were forced together instead of being “All Together Different” as the university has claimed.

Now we are stuck with a bad brand. Let’s see how long it will last.

Some Small Design Updates

Stephen Nixon just released a new version of Lang Gothic and it supports Vietnamese. As a result, I switched from Name Sans to Lang Gothic on this blog. I like the combination of Lang and Lang Gothic.

Yesterday I made some updates to Pro Web Type. I made some further changes by replacing Forma DJR. Chiaroscuro with Bild, both by David Jonathan Ross. Bild has a width variable axis that allows me to lock in the title of the book.

A Simple Request

Yesterday, I went to Breeze, one of my favorite Korean bakeries, to pick up a birthday cake for my son. After choosing a chocolate cake and paying for it, I asked the cashier if I could put some words on the cake. She handed me a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote down, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO XUÂN.”

She told me they can’t do the thing on the letter A. I said to her, “You can’t draw two connected lines,” as I held up my hands above my head to show her the circumflex. She said, “We can only do English words.” I replied, “99% of the text is English. I just need one tiny diacritic.” Again, she said, “No, only English words. We don’t want to mess up.” I thought to myself, “She’s Korean. She’s not even American,” but I insisted, “I already paid for the cake. It’s fine if it is messed up.” She still declined.

Five minutes later, she handed me the cake. I peeped into it and the text reads, “Happy Birthday To Xuân” with the circumflex on the letter a. With delight, I said to her, “That’s perfect. Please say thanks to the cake decorator.” With a bit of defeat, she replied, “Only this time. Not next time.” I smiled and replied, “Well, there won’t be next time because I won’t come back.”

If she can’t accommodate a small request, I don’t need to buy a cake here even though this is one of my favorite bakeries. I was not asking her to draw a complicated Nôm character. I asked for a simple diacritical mark.

Adobe Animate

Recently Đán asked me for a copy of Adobe Animate. He wanted to do some cartoon animations. I am cool with that—as long as he’s not spending time on his computer playing video games too much.

Yesterday, I discovered that Animate is the new Flash. Why didn’t know know about Animate until my son asked me for it? All this time, I had the impression that Adobe killed Flash, but they made the right decision to keep it as an animated tool.

When I opened up Animate, the Flash interface brought back so much memories. I used to spend so much of my free time learning Flash and creating slideshows and typographic motions. Now Đán is doing similar thing. I hope he will joy and passion in Animate.

I played around with Animate a bit last night and it is quite a time-sucker. I am not sure if I want to get back to it, but I am happy to see it is still around. I might pick it up again in the future to create simple animations.

Questions for Design Review

Since the design mockups are secretive, I prepared questions to ask during the “unveil” meeting. These questions are strictly for the designer who doesn’t code.


  • Had you conducted any research for the redesign? If yes, can you share something you had found?


  • Have you used an accessibility tool like WebAim to check your color contrast?


  • Are we getting rid of the quick links, which is one of the most frequent use navigational item on the current site
  • How does the menu function on mobile devices?
  • Are repeated links in the footer necessary? The Nielsen Norman Group suggests, “Eliminate redundancy on webpages whenever possible to reduce cognitive overload. Each extra link makes your site harder to use.”


  • How are you planning on hosting the fonts? Local or third-party?
  • Will we be using static or variable fonts?
  • Do the fonts support beyond English? Do they include diacritics? We have quite a few faculty and staff names with diacritics such as: Helen Alvaré, Seán O’Connor, and Tammy Trần


  • We use tables for various tabular data such as course schedules. Do you have a mock-up for tables? How do tables respond to various devices? How do you sort each table column?
  • Do you have a mock-up for the faculty and staff bio page? How do you list their credentials and bio?
  • Do you have a mock-up for an emergency message at the top of the site?
  • Do you have a mock-up for a spotlight story? Are there options for including photos—algin left, align right, or full width?
  • Do you have a mock-up for the events section?
  • Do you have a mock-up for secondary pages?


  • Do we use responsive images for banners? How do they look on mobile vs. desktop?

Design System


  • What is the max width of the site?
  • Are there flexibilities for the layout?
  • Can we drop the sidebar for a full-width design?
  • Can we switch the columns around?
  • Is there a grid pattern we can choose?

Examining Design

I have been practicing digital design for over 20 years. From web to print to UX to UI to development to server administration, I have been involved in all parts of design. I even supervise designers and developers. The only part of design I haven’t done is examining design patent. I have learned that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has a design department. I was so tempting to give it a try. I hesitated because I live with a patent examiner and witness all the stress she endures. She works at nights and on weekends to meet her productions. I don’t think I can handle that level of stress. In addition, I don’t want to give up the creating part of what I do. I still love crafting webpages using HTML & CSS. I still love blogging. I still love typesetting. I still love playing around with web technologies. Examining design is not for me.

Kỷ niệm 20 năm

Hôm nay kỷ niệm 20 năm ngày thành lập trang iLoveNgocLan. Thời gian trôi qua nhanh quá. Cũng không ngờ rằng, tôi đã chăm sóc ngôi nhà này suốt một chặng đường dài đến bây giờ.

Để tưởng nhớ một dấu mốc, tôi cũng không biết làm gì ngoài việc đổi nét chữ mới với một chút chữ viết tay và chữ dễ đọc. Giờ đây trang nhà không còn tiếng qua lại như xưa nữa. Năm ngoái tôi cố gắng viết thường xuyên hơn nhưng vẫn không thấy động tĩnh gì cả. Những người vẫn hâm mộ Ngọc Lan đã chuyển sang Facebook và những trang mạng khác.

Năm ngoái tôi ngồi đọc lại một số bài cũ và những lời bình luận. Thì ra đã có xảy ra những lời bàn cãi mà lúc đó tôi đã không có thời gian giải quyết. Kết quả là chắc các bạn hâm mộ tiếng hát Ngọc Lan cũng đã không quay trở lại. Đành phải chịu thôi. Biết làm sao bao giờ. Cuối cùng iLoveNgocLan vẫn chỉ là một trang nhà tưởng nhớ tiếng hát vẫn luôn tồn tại trong tim những người yêu Ngọc Lan.

Tuy giờ đây trang nhà không còn sinh hoạt gì nữa, tôi vẫn giữ gìn cho đến lúc tôi không còn điều kiện gì nữa.