Mason Law Gets Responsive Makeover

I am pleased to announce the new, improved Mason Law web site. This is not a complete redesign, but a realign. All contents are the same, but the layout is simplified. Many drop-shadow elements have been removed in favor of a modern, streamlined look and feel. The logo is now anchored in the center and the menus are reorganized for clearer navigation. The slideshow on the homepage was replaced with FlexSlider for faster, flexible performance.

Markup is rewritten in HTML5 based on the Boilerplate. CSS is rewritten from scratch for optimzation and to take advantages of the new CSS3 features. The site is still running on MODx, an open source Content Management System and Application Framework. Because of MODx’s flexibility, the switchover from previous to new templates was rather smooth.

The most challenging yet fun part about this project is making the design responsive from content out. I had written about my process, approach and reason for making Mobile third and not first. Working on this site has been a rewarding experience for me. I got a chance learn MODx and put my skills to good use. For three months into the new job, this is a great start.
