Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook

One of the greatest strengths behind Dan Cederholm’s Web Standards Solutions is accessibility. This is not only a markup and style handbook but an accessibility guide as well. Dan does an incredible job of keeping accessibility in mind throughout the book. It is an extremely important matter that other technical writers usually missed unless they are writing about accessibility.

Web Standards Solutions divided into 16 short and sweet chapters covering the core elements of web standards style and markup such as: list, table, forms, CSS layouts, image replacement, and many more. The simple, clear and concise instructional style makes this book to be an invaluable reference for web designers and developers.

What I like best about this book is Dan’s minimal approach to markup and style. In fact, “Minimizing Markup” is my favorite chapter. Clear and simple markup keeps file size small, makes codes easier to read, and most importantly, optimizes well for search engines.

To keep this review short and sweet just like the book, I highly recommend this book to web designers, programmers, developers, content managers and anyone who have the passion for creating slender, accessible and compatible websites. Web Standards Solutions is an excellent handbook to keep by your side when delving into XHTML and CSS. You will be amazed by how many times you’ll flip through the book searching for the best solutions and answers.
