Miss Americana

I don’t listen to Taylor Swift’s music. I don’t know too much about her except when Kanye West interrupted her acceptance speech. Miss Americana is a compelling documentary of her life as songwriter and cross-over singer. She is young, talented, and beautiful. She speaks out about sexual assault as well as her political stand. I enjoyed the film more than I thought.

Leslie Jones: Time Machine

In her latest Netflix special, Jones shares what it was like to be 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. At 52, she doesn’t give a fuck. Jones screams quite a bit—even in her audience’s face. She calls a girl in her 20s a bitch. Jones is both vulgar and energetic. Her material is not bad and she understands her audience. Her performance is entertaining.

Marriage Story

Marriage is hard and you wouldn’t understand it until you’re in it. Noah Baumbach’s Marriage Story gives a taste of it through its excellent storytelling and exceptional performance. The chemistry between Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson brings out the complexity of their deteriorating relationship, which leads to an ugly, expensive divorce. While the emotional charges take up most the frames, the hidden issue that could not save the marriage is sex. In the film, Charlie and Nicole hadn’t have sex for a year. As a result, Charlie cheated on Nicole with another woman at work. Nicole also wanted someone else while they have not finalized their divorce. I am not dismissing all the complexities of a marriage, which seemed theatrical at times in the film, but the relationship won’t work without the physical connection. So if you want to save your marriage, have lots of sex.

Ronny Chieng: Asian Comedian Destroys America!

I don’t even recall Ronny Chieng in Crazy Rich Asian, but I am definitely paying attention to him now. His latest Netflix special is brilliant. He makes the case for how the internet is the new smoking. Online misinformation not only makes us dumber, but also dangerous. From an outsider, he observes how America has so much abundance. We throw away more napkins than what we take. We want instinct access to everything thanks Amazon Prime Now. Where do we go from here? He suggests Prime Before. Using AI to get us things we don’t even know we need. He admits black people are so cool that they even own their own slur. He gives convincing scenarios of how Asians be objective referees among the race war in America. We don’t care about black or white. Next time white people feel threatened about black people having a cookout, don’t call the police. Just call Asians and we’ll fix it. That’s why we need an Asian president because we get shit done in a week. What I appreciate about Ronny is that he takes on divisive issues without being divisive. He understands the edge, but never goes over the edge. I am so glad to see another Asian comedian doing his thing. Yes, you did my fucking chink!

Michelle Wolf: Joke Show

Michelle Wolf is vulgar and she is not hiding it. In fact, she brings her vulgarness to the forefront in her latest Netflix special. She talks about women topics, which include period, pregnant, and abortion, with fierce and frankness. She is both hilarious and provocative. I dig her writing.

Mike Birbiglia: The New One

Birbiglia’s latest Netflix Special runs for an hour and a half, which gives him plenty of time and space to tell his journey of becoming a dad. Although he was clear he didn’t want a kid, he went through the process, which included surgical sperm retrieval, to conceive a child. Birbiglia is a master of storytelling. He is calm, articulate, and taking pauses to give us a chance to digest his jokes. He sticks to his well-structured script except for one particular moment in which he addresses an eleven-year-old girl in the audience. Even though he uses profanity sparingly, his materials aren’t suitable for a young kid.

Iliza Shlesinger: Unveiled

Iliza Shlesinger is back with another Netflix Special tackling feminism and wedding. Her content is not bad, but she is way too hyper. Her acting and sound effects get in the way of her materials. I wish she toned down her goofiness a notch. She definitely looks great at 36, but her performance is at 16.

Seth Meyers: Lobby Baby

This is my first time watching Seth Meyers doing a stand-up special. He is obviously a pro. He is so calm and relaxing. He takes his time and stares into space to let his audience enjoy the jokes. The piece about his father laying in front of a bulldozer is hilarious. He drops F-bombs sparingly to give his lines a bit of a colorful effect. His materials aren’t too dark. Just don’t hit the skip button when he talks politics. You’ll love it.

Arsenio Hall: Smart & Classy

I used to watch The Arsenio Hall Show on TV when I first came to America almost thirty years ago. With my limited English, I didn’t know what he was saying, but I liked his big smile and envied his perfect white teeth. I am so glad to see him performing standup on Netflix. After all these years, I now understand his jokes. From O.J. to Cosby, Rodman to Tyson, Snipes to R. Kelly, Hall brings back so many memories of the 90s. It’s nostalgic yet funny. Thanks for letting us taking a trip down memory lane.


Phim võ thuật do Lê Văn Kiệt đạo diễn và Ngô Thanh Vân trình diễn. Nội dung rất đơn giản. Một người mẹ làm nghề đòi nợ. Khi đứa con gái bị bắt cóc, người làm mẹ bằng mọi giá phải cứu lại đứa trẻ. Lê Văn Kiệt không chú trọng vào câu chuyện cũng không quan tâm phần đối thoại. Trong một tiếng rưỡi, những trận đánh nhau diễn ra không kịp thở. Xem Ngô Thanh Vân đập tơi tả những người đàn ông thật đã mắt. Đáng tiếc, đây chỉ là một phim hành động thiếu chiều sâu.
