Design is One: Lella & Massimo Vignelli

A brilliant documentary of the renowned designer couple Lella and Massimo Vignelli. Beyond their expansive portfolio ranging from corporate identities to furnitures to interior designs, what stood out are the two advices from Mr. Vignelli. First, never work with bad clients because you’ll get worse ones. If you work with good clients, you’ll find better ones. Second, it’s not about the size of the project, but the size of effort you put into it. Thank you Mr. Vignelli.

Jim Jefferies – BARE

Jefferies, like Louis CK, is one of those comedians that pushes the button. In his Netflix’s special, BARE, he tackles standup’s favorite subjects, including sex, gun, fatherhood and the disables, but in a very offensive approach. His dark sense of humor is enjoyable, but not without a guilt.

Steve Byrne – Champion

With his unique Korean-Irish background, Steve Byrne championed jokes on stereotype. From Black, White, Asian to gay, Byrne spares no races and genders in his latest stand-up special. Champion is available on NetFlix for some energetic, comical pleasure.

Gold and Finnegan

Jewish comedian Elon Gold takes race to whole new level. His sex marriage is spot on. Chosen & Taken is available on NetFlix. Also worth watching is Christian Finnegan’s The Fun Part. He packed tons of witty commentaries on politics as well as sex at 40s.

Sommore – Chandelier Status

The Queen of Comedy is funny and filthy as fuck. She delivered an hour full of raw, entertaining materials ranging from sex, celebrity and more sex. Her advice on maintaining a relationship is to respect and say “please.” Even if you have to say, “Would you please stay the fuck out of my face.” If you have NetFlix, check her out.

Segura, Johnson and Redd

Caught a few standup comedies on Netflix.

Tom Segura: Completely Normal

Segura delivered many quick, witty shots. While he landed punches, I wish he covered less topics and more details.

Anjelah Johnson: The Homecoming Show

Remember Johnson? The Mexican chick who made terrible Vietnamese accent. Her recent show, however, was not so bad. Unlike most standup comedians, Johnson didn’t use one curse word. If you could get past her slightly annoying pitch, Johnson could be enjoyable. Her jokes were lighter and her charisma carried through. Thank goodness that she didn’t try the Vietnamese imitation.

Jasper Redd: Jazz Talk

Out of the three, Redd stood out the most. His metaphors were brilliant. So many great lines in his routine, but the one stuck in my mind was on racism: Before you do your laundry, you have to separate the white from the color because the color will fuck up the white. His perspective made even mundane things sounded interested. Try to explain to your kids how the Whopper Jr. was made. I am sure Burger King didn’t think of it when they came up with the mini version of the Whopper.

Trevor Noah – African American

Trevor Noah, a young comedian from South African, shares his fresh, hilarious perspective of the “American-centric” such as language usage, airport security and Black American. He’s charming, thoughtful and witty. Unlike most comedians, he pulls off his punches without dropping the F-bombs and explicit sexual content.

Late Night Comedies

Stand up comedies have been my late night enjoyment. NetFlix is perfect for stand comedies on the iPhone with the earbuds so that I don’t wake up the kids. Here are a few recent watch:

Russell Peters’s Notorious: Peters has become a one-trick pony on racism and occasional nasty sex. His latest Notorious isn’t all that new, but still funny. The best parts are the interaction with the audience.

Aziz Ansari’s Buried Alive: Another Indian comedian. Was not feeling with one of his old routines, but Buried Alive is quite impressive. His topics are a bit scattered, but on point. Didn’t realize that dick pics are so common.

Ron White’s A Little Unprofessional: Lots of filthy jokes. More like a lot unprofessional. Still entertaining.

Food, Type and Rap Documentaries

I have been watching a few documentaries on NetFlix and here are my quick takes on them.

Hungry for Change is quite informative on the type of food that we eat. The film inspires me to to get back into eating healthy. I have started juicing. Not sure if it works, but I am feeling good already. I am trying to stay away from processed food as well as sugar as much as possible. We’ll see how it goes.

Finally had a chance to catch Helvetica. Not sure if this film is interesting to the general audience, but quite fascinating to design geeks. The film presents both opposite views on the typeface. Love it or hate it, Helvetica is here to stay. No typeface is suitable for every situation and Helvetica is no exception even though it is ubiquitous. Use it when appropriate.

Ice-T’s Something From Nothing: The Art of Rap gives viewers a glim into the mind of rap legends like Rakim, Dr. Dre, Nas and Grandmaster Caz. Each MC gets to explain his process (style, technique and delivery), name their influences and drop a few bars. The highlights of the film is, without a doubt, the raw freestyling from rappers including Eminem, Kanye West and Ice-T himself. Not a bad directing debut at all.

Khi Màng ‘Porn’ Khép Lại

Sau khi nốc hết một ly cối Mojito tối qua, tôi không ngủ được vì men rum làm nóng cả người. Muốn đọc sánh nhưng lại bị ngà ngà nên mở NetFlix lên xem. Quẹt qua quẹt lại trên iPhone thì thấy có một phim có tựa đề thú vị nên cũng tò mò bấm vào.

After Porn Ends là phim tài liệu khảo sát về cuộc đời và nghề nghiệp của những ngôi sao đóng phim XXX. Điểm chính được nhấn mạnh là những khó khăn họ phải vượt qua sau khi rời bỏ phim ảnh. Vì một khi đã dẫm chân vào nghề nầy rồi thì không dễ dàng có lại được một cuộc sống bình thường.

Phần nội dung của phim thì cũng tạm được. Còn phần diễn viên thì quen quen. Thú thật thì tôi cũng chẳng để ý nhiều về những minh tinh này. Vì trong lúc xem, đầu óc đâu còn minh mẫn nữa mà chú ý. Tuy nhiên có một cô đã cho tôi được ấn tượng từ lâu. Cô tên là Raylene và cô cũng có xuật hiện trong phim tài liệu này.

Lúc còn ở trung học tôi có một thằng bạn khá thân đã cho tôi một băng video thu lại. Trong đó chỉ toàn Raylene đảm nhiệm vai chính. Chắc là thằng này nó cũng mê cô ta. Tôi đã cất giấu cuốn băng đó đến lúc lấy vợ.

Raylene làm tôi chú ý nhất là lối diễn kịch rất ngộ nghĩnh của cô trước khi giao cấu, nhất là những màng dụ dỗ trai tơ. Cô có thân hình đẩy đà quyến rủ. Tiếc rằng những vết xăm trên người giảm bớt đi phần lôi cuốn. (Đó cũng chỉ là thẩm mỹ cá nhân tôi.) Nhưng điểm đẹp của cô là nhan sắc trên gương mặt và nhất là chiếc mủi cao rất tao nhã.

Xem phim này mới biết thêm chút về cô. Raylene đã rời bỏ thế giới nghệ thuật XXX và trở thành người mua bán nhà cửa chuyên nghiệp. Còn về đời tư thì cô đã trở thành người vợ và người mẹ. Thôi thì cũng chúc mừng cho Raylene vậy.
