2011 Toyota Sienna XLE Supasses 200,000 Miles
I took our minivan to the dealer for an oil change. The cost was $125. Damn, the oil change alone was super expensive. I think I will do the oil change myself next time. I had been driven this car to work every weekend. From my house to Whitetail is an hour and a half.
I heard the clicking sound every time I made a turn. I asked the dealer to check it out for me. They claimed the A/T intermediate shaft was the cause and it would cost $1,500 to replace. I denied the service.
I am not sure how long I can keep this car before I have to pay so much to get it fixed. I am not looking forward to buying a new car. Cars are too expensive these days. I don’t even want to think about it.
We still have the 2018 Toyota Sienna SE for the long trips. I am going to just drive this car until it breaks down.