Letter to My Sons #47

My Dear Xuânshine,

You turn nine today. I am glad you are picking up snowboarding this season. After two years of trying and not making any progress, I thought you were giving up. Then you pulled through. You had proven that you could do anything when you put your mind to it. With your natural ability and your willingness to learn, you will surpass me soon. I don’t expect you to be a pro. I just want you to enjoy the winter sports.

Keep skiing. Keep scooting. Keep swimming. You have the talent, but you need the passion, discipline, and hard work to get to the higher level. Playing piano requires practice, practice, and practice. You can do it. You just need to put in the time. Learn to be patient.

Thank you for being such a wonderful big brother to Vương. You take good care of him and, in return, he loves spending time with you. I wish your older brothers could treat you like you treat Vương, but that’s on them. Keep being a good role model to your younger brother.

School wise, I know you are struggling, but your reading has improved tremendously. Please continue to read. Your math skills are also improving. I am so happy that you are willing to learn the times table. Once you memorized multiplications, math would be much easier.

I hope you will pick up blogging again. It’s a great way to learn to write. I enjoyed reading your posts when you were still blogging. At first you struggled to come up with words. Then you could easily put in 100 to 200 words. The more you write the better you will get.

Whether going to the skateparks or going to terrains, thank you for accompanying me. I enjoyed spending time with you. Today is also your last day at snowboard camp. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed it and would like to do it again next season. I am sure the instructors will appreciate hearing that. I will work again next season to get you the perks. Hopefully Vương will join the camp too.

Today is your day. Have a wonderful birthday.

I love you my Xuânshine
