Letter to My Sons #44

My Daring Vương,

I can’t believe you are turning 6 today. My baby boy is growing up fast. You continue to prove that you can do anything when you put your mind to it and you only do things on your own terms. When you decided to ski on your own, you just told me to get rid of the harness. When you made up your mind to switch from the balance bike to scooter, you went for it.

I am so glad that you have decided to join Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương’s Cub Scout this year. You only attended a couple of the meetings, but the leaders had already noticed your potential and dedication. You even started a patrol yell. I am looking forward to our bonding times together with the cubs. You will have a great time with your brother Xuân at camping activities.

At a young age, you already showed signs of independence. You don’t need my help to do things for you even though a task could take you a long time to accomplish. I like that attitude in you. The sooner you can do things on your own, the better off you will be out in the world. Maybe, being the forth boy in the family makes you become more independent. Your mother and I had seen so many tricks your brothers had pulled before; therefore, we don’t pamper you as much. No doubt, you still get the most love for being the youngest.

Your standout quality has to be your strong mind. You don’t let anything around distract you. You don’t let anyone get to you. You have no problem playing in a group, but you are also comfortable playing by yourself with your dinosaurs. I love our verbal interactions, in which we trash talk each other. Even with your limited vocabulary, you know how to attack me and try to get under my skin. The reason I am battling you is because I know you can take it. I also want to prepare you to stay strong when insults thrown your way. Talk is cheap. Don’t let people get under your skin.

Happy birthday, Vương. I have nothing but love for you.
