Letter to My Sons #43

Dear Vương,

In retrospect, we haven’t spent much one-on-one time together. You’re still a mama boy. I am cool with that. I am sure you will come around when you are ready. You have always done things on your own terms.

When you first learned to ski, you wanted me to hold on to your harness. Then one day you decided to ski on your own. At first you didn’t want to ride your balance bike, but then one day you were rolling down the ramps at the skatepark on your own. Right now you don’t even want to take swimming lessons. You want to figure it out on your own first. That’s cool with me.

Being the youngest in the family, you get all the love; therefore, you don’t need to compete for attention. You just stay low keys. I like that about your personality. I am learning so much from you. Whenever you don’t want to do something or if someone tries to get under your skin, you give them the middle finger and say, “I don’t care.” How badass is that? I can’t even scold you for the middle finger. When you have that much confidence in yourself, no one can mess with you.

Another important lesson you had taught me that I could not forget even though it had been a few years already. You and I were racing down the sidewalk after a heavy rain. As we reached a big puddle of water, I carefully stopped and tried to figure out how to get over it. You just ran through it without thinking. Not only beating me, but you also splashed water all over me. I realized that sometimes in life you just go for it. I spent too much time thinking. As a result, I hadn’t gotten anywhere in life. You will go further than I ever have been.

I enjoy watching you play, hearing you talk, and seeing you grow each day. Time passes by so fast. Before we know it, you will become a young man and I will become an old man. Thank you for still letting me hug you and kiss you.

I love you so much, baby Vương.
