Letter to My Sons #40

Dear Đạo,

Thank you for spending two days with me. Even though we see each other everyday, it was a much needed quality time together for the two of us.

With four kids under the same roof, I felt as if I had neglected you; therefore, I was glad to have a chance to be with you. It meant so much to me that you were willing to spend time with me and I didn’t have to force you.

I am sorry for getting on your case about your school work, screen time, and sibling bickering. Because I cared about you deeply, I couldn’t stay out of your business.

The two days we spent together made me realize how much you have matured. My little Duke had grown up. You are sweet, kind, and understanding. I am proud of the young man you are becoming.

Our love for skiing keeps us bonded together. The past two days were some of the happiest moments in my life. I will always remember our time together.

Later on when you have your own life, don’t forget to take some time off your busy schedule to shred together. I hope to be able to keep skiing and snowboarding in my 70s.

I have nothing but love for you, son.
