Community Sale

Last Saturday, we pulled together our first community sale. A week before, I started to collect everything we hadn’t used in years including toys, books, rollerblades, bikes, helmets, vases, shoes, and everything in between. I was excited to get rid of the things that I had wanted to throw away for a while.

The sale started at 8:00 am, but I woke up around 6:00 to get everything ready. Most of the things I just wanted to give away, especially mix boxes of toys. Once I had everything set up, I asked Đạo and Đán to be in charge of the sales. They could keep whatever they sold. Only Đạo was willing to do the sales.

At 10:00 am, he made about $30. Then the rain started to pour. We had to cover everything with the tarps. The rain stopped around 11:30 am. We opened business back up, but couldn’t sell anything. We kept all the free stuff out for grab, but no one picked up anything.

On Sunday, we continued to put all the free stuff out while my wife posted a few items on Facebook’s Marketplace. We made more money through Facebook’s Marketplace than on our driveway. On Monday, I took all the unwanted boxes to Goodwill.

It felt great to be able to get rid of so much junk in our basement. For 15 years, I always dreaded all the stuff that we had collected and could not let go. I didn’t want to hurt my wife’s feelings, but I started to feel stressed out everytime I wanted to tidy up our place.

We still need to get rid of more things, but I will try to sell them through Facebook’s Marketplace. As for community sale, it was our first and our last.
